Gender perspectives

On November 3, 1992 when a young Bill Clinton heard that he had won the elections as the new president of USA one of the things he said to his wife was… “Had the world been a better and fairer place you would have been the one celebrating this presidency today, because you are better suited for the job than me……. : more

Presidentialism and Constitutionalism in Africa: “Third Term” phenomenon/ extension of tenure; the Zambian experience

Constitutional developments that have taken place in Africa are mainly seen in the context of the colonial constitutions. It is trite to conclude that although Africa has posted several positive constitutional developments during the post colonial period, there have also been major erosions, reversals and general developments that have occurred which have tended to undermine the struggle for progressive constitutionalism. …. : more

Regulation Of Political Parties Zimbabwe: Registration, Finance And Other Support

The now defunct Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC) in its valedictory report on the Senatorial elections and the Gutu House of Assembly by-election of November 2005 notes that the absence of laws for the registration of political parties had led to the emergence of ‘fly-by-night’ political parties. It then recommended that to curb this tendency, political parties should be formally registered….. : more

Electoral Conflict Management Mechanisms

There are several causes of election related conflicts, some of which are directly related to the administration of the process, but in many instances simmering political tensions experienced during the in-between elections find expression during election periods. In order for credible and legitimate elections to take place, especially in a post-conflict society or in a country that is plagued by political conflict it is critically important that the constitutional and legislative framework for the elections are clearly spelt out in the Constitution and the electoral laws and regulations. It is also necessary that the framework appropriately reflects the material conditions of the country rather than creating benchmarks that are totally unattainable for any of the contesting parties. For example, in a country where the society is polarized, it is particularly important that a level playing field is secured, through legislation, for all parties to have access to the electorate in order to campaign without fear of reprisals and without “no-go” areas….. : more

Managing Election-related Conflicts in Zimbabwe

The issue of disputed election outcomes is not a new phenomenon to countries that have carried out periodic elections to elect new governments after particular periods as stipulated by those countries’ constitutions or any guiding governance documents. Managing such conflicts has always been a challenge. Often some of these conflicts have degenerated into outright physical confrontations in the form of military surges, genocides and other forms of physical conflict capable of killing or maiming those caught up in the conflict. Zimbabwe is a good example of a country torn apart by a conflict that is election-related. Allow me ladies and gentlemen, to give background to the Zimbabwe Crisis….. : more