Nomination court report for rural district council elections

A democratic election should be defined by the principles of openness and fairness and the selection of candidates is without doubt part of this process. The nomination courts to receive nomination papers for the forthcoming rural district council elections were held at 57 different centres on the 20th of September 2006. The courts were supposed to have sat on the 15th of September but they were moved by the ZEC ostensibly in order to ‘give political parties adequate time to make their preparations’…. : more

Urban Council Elections 2003- Election Report

This report is the assessment of the elections that were held in 21 of Zimbabwe’s 26 urban councils and 2 parliamentary constituencies from 30-31 August 2003. Counting of these polls was conducted on 1 September 2003. This report is based on the weekly long term monitoring reports, polling and counting day forms which were completed by ZESN long-term monitors and short term observers respectively….. : more

Epworth, Marondera Central and Mbire by-elections

On 19 September 2015, the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN), at the invitation of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), observed parliamentary by-elections in Epworth, Marondera Central and Mbire constituencies.
The seats fell vacant following the death on 9 June, 2015 of the ZANU-PF incumbent for Epworth constituency, Ambassador Amos Midzi; and the expulsion from ZANU-PF and subsequent recalling from Parliament of Ray Kaukonde and David Butau, former Members of Parliament for Marondera Central and Mbire respectively:more

Mhondoro Mubaira By-elections Report

On 5 March 2016, The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) conducted a National Assembly by-election in Mhondoro-Mubaira Constituency. The by-election was necessitated by the fact that ZANU-PF invoked section 129 (1) (k) of the Constitution which states that a Member of Parliament’s (MP) seat becomes vacant when the MP ceases to belong to the political party of which he or she was a member when elected to Parliament and the political party concerned, by written notice to the Speaker of Parliament, or the President of the Senate, as the case may be, informs parliament of the same.:more

Chiwundura By-election Report

President Mugabe set 15 July 2017 as the date for the Chiwundura National Assembly by-election in accordance with Section 39 (2) of the Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13). The seat fell vacant following the death of the National Assembly representative for the Constituency; Mr Kizito Chivamba, who died on 19 April 2017 following a short illness. ZESN deployed 15 observers (static and mobile) to the 15 July 2017 National Assembly by-election…more