ZESN’s Statement on the state of the Voters Roll in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Election Support Network welcomes the statement expressed by the Registrar-General on the 14th of December 2010 on ZBC TV. The Registrar-General noted that the voters roll is in shambles, an aspect that ZESN has over the years emphasized. ZESN notes that a clean voters’ roll will go a long way in increasing the credibility of electoral processes in Zimbabwe…. : more

Civic Society Statement on the Impending Referendum and Elections

The Zimbabwe Election Support Network the leading independent network on elections in Zimbabwe convened a conference in Vumba – Leopard Rock Hotel which brought together various organisations and partners working on elections to deliberate on electoral issues in light of the possible referendum on the new constitution and elections in 2011……………………. : more


This statement is a response to an article that appeared on the 13th of August 2010 in the Zimbabwe Independent on the opposition to electoral reforms by the Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri. Earlier this year political parties in the GNU agreed to reform electoral laws in Zimbabwe and this included among others a change in the role of the police in electoral processes. The three political parties in the inclusive government agreed to restrict the role of……….. : more

ZZZICOMP Report: Shadowing the Outreach process, 11 – 22 August 2010

Constitutions are supreme sets of laws and principles directing how countries should be governed for the good of their citizens and should reflect national vision, values and act as symbols of national unity for current and future generations. Realization of such ideal Constitutions is only possible if citizens, in their diverse circumstances are accorded enough space to express their…….. …. : more


Harare, 26 July 2010- A district administrator in Masvingo has gone into hiding fearing for his life after he was threatened by Zanu PF militias for his contributions at a constitutional outreach meeting at Chivi Centre. Bernard Hadzirabwi, the District Administrator for Chivi District, is in trouble after suggesting in his contribution that ……….. : more


14 July 2010 – Bulawayo – The Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) would like to inform its members and partners that Lovemore Thulani Ndhlovu, a ZESN staff member who was arrested last year in October on allegations of holding a community workshop in Hwange, Dete area without police clearance was acquitted………. : more


The Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) welcomes the move to legislate proposed electoral reforms that were agreed to by political parties into the Electoral Act. However, there are a ew issues that need to be thought through as these proposals are brought before the Legislature. ZESN seeks to promote the democratic conduct of elections in an environment that protects and promotes the rights of citizens…….. : more

ZZZICOMP weekly report July 1-12, 2010

This Report is part of protracted efforts by ZZZICOMP to contribute to transparency in the ongoing Article VI constitution-making process and seeks to accurately reflect the level and method of societal input during the outreach exercise. As a Shadow Report, it seeks to raise awareness and knowledge on the process and content of the constitution-making process with the hope………. : more