In Issues

E-news Ballot update Issue 9 – Oct 2012 Edition What next after the Second All Stakeholders Conference?

The conference was peaceful with no major incidents of violence being recorded. What aided in abetting the violence was that the principals’ speeches centered on peace and tolerance.
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In Issues

E-news Ballot update Issue 10 – Nov 2012 Edition2012: Progress and Gaps as we Head for Elections

On another positive not there was also the enactment of the Human Rights Commission Act which aims to promote awareness of and respect for human rights and freedoms at all levels, to promote the development of human rights and freedoms, to monitor and assess the observance of human rights in Zimbabwe
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In Issues

E-news Ballot update Issue 11 – Jan 2013 EditionElections an expensive affair

Contesting in elections is expensive in Zimbabwe making it essential that political parties have funding for them to take part in the polls. Since the current threshold for accessing public funding in zimbabwe only benefits two MDC formations and ZANU (PF), smaller political parties have to depend on other sources of support for survival.
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In Issues

E-news Ballot update Mar 2016 Edition

Police blitz on CSOs-ZESN offices raided.
February 2013 will be remembered for he incessant raids by the police on civic society organisations in Zimbabwe. First it was the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) and then the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) head office in Harare and other organizations.
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In Issues

ZESN May-June 39th Edition

ZEC holds crucial all stakeholder conference on voter registration.The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) organised an all stakeholders’ conference in Harare on May 10 to provide an update on the implementation of a new voter registration system. read more

In Issues

ZESN Ballot Newsletter August 2016 40th Issue

New Amendments to the Electoral Act fall short of expectations

An analysis of the GLAA carried out by ZESN reveals that the Act in its current state fails to fully capture a number of fundamental rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution as it relates to the Electoral Act and offers piecemeal reforms that fall short…read more

In Issues

ZESN Ballot Newsletter -Norton Edition 41st Issue

Ahead of the 22 October 2016 Norton by-election, contestants urged people to shun violence and intimidation and show political maturity and tolerance.  The calls were made during a public meeting conducted by ZESN at the Matia Kalembe Catholic Church in Katanga Norton on 6 October, 2016. The public meeting was aimed at discussing the importance of citizen participation in elections… read more

In Issues

ZESN Ballot Newsletter – November 2016 42nd Issue


53 Civil society organisations (CSOs) have expressed concern over the half-hearted attempts and lack of political will to reform the laws and institutions governing the conduct of elections in Zimbabwe. The CSOs’ demands for comprehensive legal, political and administrative reforms before the 2018 harmonised elections came out of an All Stakeholders Conference convened by ZESN under the theme “2018 Elections: Dialogue Towards Democratic Elections in Zimbabwe”… read more

In Issues

ZESN Ballot Newsletter Issue 43

Lessons from Kenya on the Mass Biometric Voter Registration

Recently, ZESN observed the Mass Voter Registration (MVR) process in Kenya, where Kenyans were registering using the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system which Zimbabwe is likely to adopt for the 2018 Elections…read more

In Issues

ZESN Ballot Newsletter Issue 44

Success of the Biometric Voter Registration Process hinged on timeous finalization of requisite processes.

Youths called upon to fully participate in electoral processes…read more