ZESN-ESN-SA Botswana Election Report

ZESN-ESN-SA Botswana Election Report

In response to an invitation from the Government of the Republic of Botswana, the
ZESN and ESN-SA deployed an Election Observation and Learning Mission (EOM) to
observe the Botswana General Elections held on 30 October 2024. The team observed
voting in urban, peri-urban and rural areas around Gaborone. Prior to the Election Day
observation, the team met with various electoral stakeholders.

The Mission’s main aim was two-fold. Firstly, the Mission sought to assess whether the
electoral process in Botswana complied with normative frameworks and other
international obligations and standards for democratic elections as well as the
national legal framework of Botswana. Secondly, the Mission assessed whether the
environment leading up to, during and immediately after the elections was peaceful,
conducive and free from violence-to warrant the legitimacy of the electoral outcome.
To achieve these objectives, several activities were undertaken, including meeting with
the umbrella organisation for Botswana Civil Society and interacting with members of
other International Election Observer Missions present for the same election in
Botswana. The Mission subsequently deployed two teams to observe voting in
selected areas of Gaborone North, Central, South and Kgatleng Central, East and West.

This Report outlines the ZESN-ESN Mission’s overall findings, conclusions and
recommendations based on the direct and indirect observation and assessment of
the Botswana General Elections the Mission conducted. It includes observation findings
political and electoral environment preceding the election, processes and events such
as election day proceedings and procedures and results.

Download Botswana Elections Report Here